
简单的英文自我介绍该如何表现才能引起面试官的注意呢?你的英文自我介绍准备得怎样了呢?以下是小编帮你们整理的英文简单自我介绍面试,一起来学习啦。 英文简单自我介绍面试篇一




  Hello, nice to meet you.

  My name is xxx. I am a sophomore studying in Beijing institute of petrochemical technology. My hobbies are varied from individual to group activities. Such as XXX XXX XXX XXX.

  The main reason of applying to be Olympic volunteer of 2008 is that I think this will be my unforgettable and GREat experience in my whole life. This is the first time to hold Olympic Games in china, for every Chinese person, this Olympic game is very important and memorable. Besides, Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. As a citizen of Beijing, I feel very proud. Although I am only a graduate, I think that I must actively contribute to the Olympic Games. Unnumbered people want to be Olympic volunteers, but they have no opportunities.

  I am so lucky that I am a graduate, and I have opportunity to work for Olympic. My heart tells me that I cannot lose this GREat opportunity. I have geographical conditions that I live in Beijing and I study in Beijing. I have no reason to give up this opportunity to be Olympic volunteer. Furthermore, I can learn and get exercises in many respects, for example, my language skills, communication skills, association skills and ability to deal with matters of sudden urgency. Of cause I may have opportunity to meet my dream sport stars who are XXX, XXX and XXX.

  All in all, this experience has great influence on my future life and I have a lot of confidence.


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. My name is .Iam19 years old, born in YangzhouJiangsu province. Now I am a sophomore student. My major is civil engineering. I spent much time on study. Although Ive just passed CET-4,I believe I can do it .

  It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. Nanjing Youth Olympic Gamesis a great event in Nanjing in encent years. When i entered into the university last year ,I had one dream that I want to join it ! Yes ,to join it .The best way to take part in the event is to be a volunteer .That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I want to make a games! Thats all. Thank you for giving me the chance. contribution to Nanjing youth Olympic .


  hello, everyone. today, it's my honor to introduce myself. my name is zhang lingyi. my english name is jasmine. i`m 8 and come from shengli oilfield no.12 primary school, class 5 grade 2.

  i'm am active girl. i like dancing ,because it`s very interesting. i`d like to eat apple and banana, for they`re tasty. my favourite colour is green. and i learn english in shane english school on weekend, i like reading books and telling stories.

  i have a happy family. my father is tall and strong ,and my mother is beautiful ,they all work in shengli oilfield. i`m a merit student and get on well with my classmates. to be a art teacher is my dream, because i want to help other children in the future.

  thank you! please remember me!



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