
英语口语做自我介绍,你学会了吗?参加志愿者面试中,一段优秀的自我介绍很有必要,以下是小编帮你们整理的志愿者面试英语口语自我介绍,一起来学习啦。 志愿者面试英语口语自我介绍篇




  Hello to senior.

  Always have a dream that one day I can join the youth volunteer service, now I solemnly to write down my team application.

  Youth volunteers is a glorious title, but also a glorious group, every volunteer constant contribution for the society with his depth. Our society has created an environment for everyone to survive and develop in this environment. I want to be a volunteer to enjoy the environment while contributing to society, as a reward for society. Is the so-called "all for one, one for all", whenever I enjoy others created for my work, I will be strengthened the determination to join the volunteer team.

  One's strength is small, but the strength of ten, one, and even a thousand is great. It is because of this that every aspiring young man is put together to form a great power, and to contribute love and strength to society in the right and orderly direction. Maybe that's what youth volunteer service is all about! There are many people in society who need the care and help of others.

  I joined the volunteer team to better broadcast my love. So there will be more difficult, more people need care and help, and appreciate the goodness of life, social concern and mutual love between people. I was a student, but I was very nervous, but I joined the volunteer team. I will do my best to spend my spare time with the team members and do what I can to do what I can. I have a wish that one day the world will be filled with love, no more pain, no disaster, no war, and the world will become a paradise


  Hi, I'm from * *. It's my pleasure to be here today to introduce myself to you. My hobbies are listening to music, reading the books outside, and hanging out with friends. I have a lively and cheerful disposition. I think I have a strong sense of responsibility and time.

  The purpose of this volunteer activity is twofold: first, as a member of the x * * * *, I should contribute my part to the contribution of x * * *. The second is that I want to take advantage of this opportunity to increase my experience, learn new skills and improve myself. During the last few years, I have spent the summer vacation time doing summer work, this semester, in the introduction of the teacher, there is a miss etiquette lady in the MJC house. Finally I want to say that even if I can't pass the appraisal, I will smile in other ways to contribute to my own strength! Thank you, my self-introduction!


  My name is xx – x, which is now in the Shanghai xx university French department, and is now the full time explainer of the expo exhibition center in Shanghai, China. It's been a year since I came to the showroom, and I was a volunteer at the center, and I've been thinking of myself as a volunteer. Volunteers have a sense of responsibility and sense of purpose; No return, no devotion. Work, although some people say that every month you get the same amount of money, you do a lot less. But I can understand that this is not a tedious task, as I watch them look forward to the world expo.

  It is a great honor to be on the first anniversary of the opening of the exhibition center. Received in the past year as the kingdom of the Netherlands ministry of economic affairs minister, minister of the ministry of culture of the republic of Mali and nanjing military region is chief heads and yangzhou municipal party committee secretary of the VIP, leadership, etc. But the most impressive thing was to explain to a blind girl, I put her hands on each piece and let her touch, she was paying attention. When it comes to the story of Helen Keller, I clearly see the persistence and light in her eyes… I think that's where I work.

  At work, I also have some disadvantages, such as being too impetuous. In the course of the presentation, it is easy to get excited and sometimes even influence the quality of the presentation when the audience is too much or not. Therefore, I am also reflecting on this, to strive for patience, care and enthusiasm in my work, so that I can devote myself to the expo. Next year, now my biggest wish is to have a good job in the expo park service, participate in the event, whether as a volunteer or to the identity of the staff. Believed that on October 31, the evening in 2015, China announced to the world that we held a successful, splendid and unforgettable world expo, I can proudly say: "in 2015, I am the part of a successful, splendid and unforgettable!"









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