
作为英语专业的学生,在面试外贸员岗位时,英语自我介绍必不可少,那么你准备好了吗?以下是小编帮你们整理的英语专业外贸面试英文自我介绍,一起来学习啦。 英语专业外贸面试英文自我




  Good moring/afternoon!

  Thanks for giving me the chance here. I'd like to introuce myself briefly first.

  My name is XuLiang. I was born and grew up in Shaoxing city. So I am a native people. I graduated from Hangzhou Dianzi university and got my English bachelor degree in June this year.

  My English skills are beyong doubts since I have passed CET4 and CET6 with good marks. I am pretty good at oral and written English and can read latest information about computer science well in English.

  Besides my good academic studies, I have many hobbies and enjoy some community activities. I play badminton well and get on well with my classmates and friends. I manage to balance my study and life well.

  “I’m interested in marketing and PR. Last summer I did some PR work for a small nonprofit. I also have experience in these areas through my involvement in student and community organizations. Next year, I hope to obtain a position with a mid to large-sized marketing/PR firm.”

  If I can get this job, of course, I will focus all my time and energy on this career. I'll expend my scope of relevent knowledge. On the other hand, I should promote my sence of responsibility, compitition and cooperation.

  That's all, thank you for giving me the chance!


  As an international trade specialized student, I know the importance of English in English learning, so I have been high-standard requirements themselves. Through their own efforts, to XX passed cet band 4 and again to XX points passed cet6. In spoken English I have been in the exercise myself, and reached a certain level. In addition, I also laid a Japanese primary basic. Not only in English, as the rest of course also study hard. In six semester four times won the scholarship, and once passed the national computer rank examination (level 2).

  Moreover I took an active part in social practice activities, and to exercise their professional skills, increase their professional knowledge, and has achieved good results. Through a series of stratified activities, I also gradually grasp the people contacts and communication skills, learning how to make ourselves in a harmonious interpersonal relationships. Through studies I deeply realize the theory instruction practice meaning, and really in the code yourself. In learning and activities of remaining I also actively enrich himself, reading, rich knowledge, and grasped certain of the computer application skills enough to handle the job requirement.

  Believe after three years study the lives of hone, already will I hammer become a moral decently, strong-willed, high ideals and soaring aspirations, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of excellent college students. Believe I have knowledge and competence can completely fit for any difficult work, environment of hard did not prevent completed I finish work. If I am lucky to become a member of your company, I will put all the youth and enthusiasm exert into work, obtain due grades for the development of the company, and contribute their efforts.


  It is my plesure to meet you .today i am here to apply for the position of foreign trade clerk(or assistant)。now let me tell you a little bit about myself.i am from jiangxi province . there are four members in my family,my parents,my elder sister and i. i am always a energertic and enthusiastic person that have many hobbies .

  well ,i am fond of all kinds of outdoor activities such as playing tennis ,doing some physicalsports and so on. (you can also say i am interested in…or doing sth is also my favourite activity)this year i will gratuade from tian jinforeign studyings university, with major in foreign trade(or international trade)。 i really like this industy very much.if i am so lucky enough to be employed by your company,i will put what i have learnt together with my energy into my job and make some contribution to your company.

  thank you very much!









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