
航空面试中,做好自我介绍很有必要,中英文的自我介绍是面试者应该准备的,以下是小编帮你们整理的航空面试自我介绍中英文,一起来学习啦。 航空面试自我介绍中英文篇一










  How do you do!

  My name is. 18 years old I am confident, carefree, have good communication ability. There are also basketball, mountain climbing, running and other hobbies. I like to listen to the lyrics of music, lyric poetry, reading novels, English, chatting and singing. The teacher said I was an unwearied optimist.

  Since I was a child, I am eager to fly in the blue sky. It is my pleasure to serve my friends all over the world. I know that as a flight attendant, I need not only to be enthusiastic about serving others, but also to be tolerant, tolerant and to the mind of the sea. It is an honor to relationship between national image and noble cause, I care about other people's feelings, learn to communicate, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the pleasure of flying to themselves and others.

  Maybe, I'm still young, the dream also lacks many conditions, but I will work hard, to learn more things to enrich himself, is also eager to get here from the judges a chance to let the dream fly. Thank you very much!





  I am xx contestant XXX, I come from xx. Zhongyuan of ancient times talented, in the hot earth of this talented person, the emergence of such as the blue sky pilot, li jiying, etc. Now, in the XXXX has received the good education of the three years I, though not like jianying li eagle fight the sky, but in order to chests are the eternal desire to fly the blue sky, in order not to disappoint me the height of 1 meter 68, don't live up to what our belowed, behaved, extremely has the affinity face, I hope I can through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, working between the blue sky white clouds, then clouds scud across the universe, overlooking the motherland good things.

  The flight attendant has always been a simple girl's silly dream, beautiful, romantic, with the clouds, the angel of the blue sky, is my understanding of it. Perhaps I am not as beautiful as an angel, but I will come from the heart to the passenger, the passenger is my angel. I will care about other people's feelings, bow low, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn services, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the pleasure of flying to themselves and others.

  Maybe, I'm still young, but I will try and hope to get a chance to fly my dream from you. I believe that when a dream is given to a pair of wings, it is no longer a desire to fly, and I will fly toward that distant land, across the blue and blue mountains of the sea. I know that the happiness I want is in the higher sky, I want to fly, I want sunshine, I want to fly higher.



  翁去八百载,醉乡犹在; 山行六七里,亭影不孤。我来自风景秀丽的琅琊山脚下滁州市的一所省重点中学,我叫xxx.




  Judge teachers: hello!

  He went eight hundred years, and he was drunk. In the six or seven hills, the pavilion was not alone. I am from a provincial key middle school in chuzhou city, located at the foot of the beautiful scenery of the scenery. My name is XXX.

  I was born in a xx family, and I was educated and educated by a good culture. 18 years old I am confident, carefree, have good communication ability. There are also basketball, mountain climbing, running and other hobbies. I like to listen to the lyrics of music, lyric poetry, reading novels, English, chatting and singing. The teacher said I was an unwearied optimist.

  Since I was a child, I am eager to fly in the blue sky. It is my pleasure to serve my friends all over the world. I know that as a flight attendant, I need not only to be enthusiastic about serving others, but also to be tolerant, tolerant and to the mind of the sea. It is an honor to relationship between national image and noble cause, I care about other people's feelings, learn to communicate, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the pleasure of flying to themselves and others.

  Maybe, I'm still young, the dream also lacks many conditions, but I will work hard, to learn more things to enrich himself, is also eager to get here from the judges a chance to let the dream fly. I believe that when a dream is given to a pair of wings, flying is no longer a longing. I know that my dream is in the higher sky, and I will use the pure heart to soften every passing traveler. Thank you very much!



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