businessparty(business partner)

大家好,本篇文章为大家解答以上问题,相信很多人对businessparty都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于businessparty以及business partner的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!

大家好,本篇文章为大家解答以上问题,相信很多人对businessparty都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于businessparty以及business partner的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


would you like to come to our business party?

B 本题考查情景交际。本题的含义为Bob, 你想来参加我们的派对吗?是的,我很乐意去。Would like构成的一般疑问句,肯定回答通常用yes,I’d love to,故本题选B。


The name of the project agreement and the scope of business

Party A Party B is responsible for the property consultancy services. The main projects include; 1. Accounting advice; 2. Tax advice;. 3. Legal advice; (the relevant government departments to register changes of the process). 4. Human Resources Policy Advisory Group. 5 of the Advisory Board of Auditors.

6.'s Advisory question of the United States and its G's reply to communicate their views to form a unified corporation.

Purpose of the commission

B will be in accordance with its relevant departments to develop the regulations, policies, the Party of the matters entrusted to carry out advisory services.

Party responsibility: to ensure that the information provided by the real, legitimate, integrity, to ensure full disclosure of relevant information.
Party obligations are:
1. B in a timely manner for advisory services to its requests for information and all other relevant information and actively cooperate with Party B's work for consulting services.
2. B sent to the relevant staff to provide the necessary co-operation and working conditions, specifically B will be a matter of advisory services to the work of the staff before the start of the list.
3. In accordance with the agreement of this book provides advisory services to pay in full and on time costs, in the days × unpaid, B has the right to license the company and its related procedures to retain data temporarily, by the Party to bear all the consequences.

B is the responsibility of: in accordance with relevant laws, policies, the requirements of business advisory services business.
B obligations are:
1. In accordance with an agreement to complete business advisory services, as Party A Party B to do business advisory services, together with the specific circumstances of the Party's understanding of the limitations and other objective factors, there is bound to reflect some important aspects of the false. As a result, can not replace the responsibility of Party B, Party A to reduce or exclude.
2. On the implementation of business process aware of the Party's trade secrets be kept in strict confidence. Unless the relevant laws, policies as otherwise provided, or agreed to by Party A, B may not be aware of the Party and trade secret information provided by the external leakage.

B due to this matter agreed service charges, according to the charging time ⑴, on an hourly fee: (capital) × RMB Yuan / hour (lower case) × / hour. ⑵, monthly charges; (capital) × RMB yuan / 10 hours, the (lower case) × yuan / 10-hour period. 10 hours than portion that is in accordance with the standard hourly rates (capital) × / hour (lower case) × / hour.

Written agreement effective time
Book this agreement in duplicate, an armed A Party B and have the same legal effect.

Since the book agreed on × × × years from the date of entry into force of this agreement and advisory services completed before the effective date.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the impact of the project advisory work is completed on schedule, both A and B may require changes to the agreement, but it should have notified each other in a timely manner by both sides through consultation.



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