
高职单招面试,面试者要做好个人英文自我介绍,才有机会赢得面试官的青睐,以下是小编帮你们整理的高职单招面试英文自我介绍,一起来学习啦。 高职单招面试英文自我介绍篇一




  Dear teacher: hello.

  My name is xx. I am eighteen years old. I am a high school student from henan province * * senior middle school. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to finish my letter of recommendation.

  Your school has a long history, profound culture, rich teaching resources, strong academic atmosphere, cultivate many outstanding talents for the society, is directly under the ministry of education project 211 and project 985 key construction university, there are many professional is in

  The country is at the top of the list. Many of my teachers and sisters have made the same choice for your first choice. I am eager to get the admission notice of your school in the summer, I'm looking forward to become a student of your school, hope to study in your university, is eager to become a useful talents for society, to the motherland, hope to become your glorious historical witness. I hope this test will change my life track and put me in the arms of your university. I hope to be admitted to your university. I think I have that qualification.


  Teachers, it is a great honor to have the opportunity to stand here for an interview and to present my basic information to the teachers through the interview.

  My name is XX, this year XX, from XX, high school at XX middle school. I took a job in high school and got on very well with my classmates. My hobby is XX, because XXXX. My extracurricular interest is XX, because XXXX. My advantage is XXXX. My ideal is to be a good XX, because XXXX.

  If I can be admitted, I will use three years time, in the school study hard professional knowledge, have the courage to practice basic skills, strive to turn this, continue to a higher university to do a social useful person to the country in the future, and hope the interviewer give me this chance, thank you.


  Good afternoon, teachers:

  I am from * * middle school, and I am honored to be here today to introduce myself to your teachers.

  I have a wide range of interests, good grades, and good at science. I love sports. Love to play badminton, tennis, especially like football, I learned from the football the sport team cooperation and strive, I have made the first performance of the school sports meeting.

  I love technology and have won awards in various technology competitions. I love reading and painting, and I love to focus and picture life with words and brushes. In the midst of the sea one hundred anniversary last year experience let me enjoy the charm of the sea for the first time, perhaps the third campus learning into the sea, I also feel more culture in the sea. I have a strong personality and I will give up on speaking out of turn. I will stick to my faith in my studies and in my life. I believe that in the future, I will be able to rely on his own efforts, carry on the sea "Kingston product mechanical atmospheric excellence" spirit, dedicated for sea new one hundred years of brilliant.

  That is my introduction, thank you!









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