
应聘小学英语教师时,面试中的英文自我介绍是展现自己的重要环节,面试者应该做好一份英文的自我介绍,以下是小编帮你们整理的面试小学英语老师英文自我介绍,一起来学习啦。 面试小学




  good morning everyone:

  I am so glad that I can get this interview.Thank you for your 3 minutes.My admission number is 123.I graduated from ***** university in July this year,and I majored in the Chinese Language.I have an teaching exercitation for two months in one middle school,where I have hold the post of class-chairman and Chinese teacher,and I have been appreciated highly by the teachers and students who come from that school.Now, I have the seniority of the high school teaching.

  In the university,I had initial skills of becoming a qualified teacher and to teach up to a certain level of teaching.I have good moral self-cultivation, and have a firm political direction. I love the motherland, the people, and strongly support the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system.I participated in school activities of public awareness and patriotism with a pragmatic truth the spirit of enthusiasm. Now, I have become a glorious Communist Party members.

  In the study, I successfully completed the professional courses and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree and college diploma,and had passed the College English Test 6. I usually read a great deal of relevant literature, psychology, education, and other series of books,which make my literature greatly increasing.I have publish some works in certain literary magazines.

  In the life,I advocate a simple life, and love sports.I have good habits.

  I have a dream of having been a teacher from my childhood.Today, I came with enthusiasm, hoping to be recognized by you, I will use my all passion to return yourapproval. ????

  That's all.Thank you.


  Good morning everyone

  First of all, please allow me to express my greatest appreciation for you give me this opportunity for an interview. And I hope I can make a good performance today I will do my best for this interview.

  My name is××××××, 25 years, graduated from the Mudanjiang Normal College major in English and I have been got the eight professional certificate in English (test for English majors) and senior English teacher qualification certificate. Perhaps my situation on this place is pretty unlikely, after graduation because of personal interests I am gone to the Heilongjiang University graduate college major in history.

  I'm outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experience.

  To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them, if I were a teacher I would build a close relation with my students helping them not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try my best and I am confident that I can be a good teacher

  If your county to give me this opportunity, I passed the interview, as many teachers team member, I will continue learning, work hard to contribute to education in their own strength, will never live up to the human soul engineer of this glorious title.


  Good morning,everyone!I am glad to have the chance to introduce myself.My name is yjbys.I am 25 years old.I come from XXX.My major is arts when i was studying in *** school.

  I used to teach arts in a middle school in Hebei province.In my spare time,I love singing and writing.I am a very positive and happy girl and always enjoy staying with kids.That is why i am applying for this job.I hope there is opportunity for me.Thank you!









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