




【 #父亲节# 导语】每年的父亲节,你是否有给爸爸送礼物呢?下面是 无 给大家分享一些关于父亲节英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。


  Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June. Everyone will express their love to fathers. In Chinese tradition, the role of father is always described as a quiet man. Though he doesn’t talk much, the way he shows his love can be seen all the time. Father deserves the applause as mother.

  Most people’s impression about a father comes from a classic article they learned in primary school. The article described a traditional father sent his son to school at the station. When the boy saw his father’s back, he felt so touched. The essay has been read by generations and they know a father’s way to show love.

  Unlike the western countries, where people show love by kiss and hug, the children are educated to show their love openly, Chinese way to show love are much invisible. Many people feel hard to speak out the word love. For the young parents, they start to make some change. They express their emotion bravely. Love needs to be spoken out. We should let our parents to know we love them every day.


  My father is the best person in the world. He cares about me so much. No matter how busy he is, he always makes out some time to play with me. Now Father’s Day is coming soon. I want to give him a surprise. So from now on, I need to save some money. When the time is coming, I can surprise him.


  Today is fathers’ day, when I went to school, I heard my clas ates were discussing about what to buy for their fathers. Some suggested to buy food, others wanted to do something special by themselves. At last, an idea occurred to my mind, I could cook a dinner for my father. So I rushed home after class. My mother was preparing dinner. I told her my idea and she supported me. I did as what my mother told me. I washed the food and then cut the meat and vegetable. I learned it was not easy to cook a meal. I finished two dishes finally. My father was very happy to taste them. It was such a special surprise.


  Almost every kid will be asked the question of whom do you like better, your mother or your father. There is no doubt that mother is very great as she gives you the life, while father is also of importance. Father’s Day is invented to show gratitude to fathers. Its coming has a story.

  The first person to propose the idea of Father’s Day was Mrs. Dodd in 1906. She wanted a special day to honor her father, whose wife passed away many years ago. At first, Mrs. Dodd wanted Father’s Day to be celebrated on her father’s birthday, but later President Johnson signed a paper to declare the third Sunday of June was Father’s Day. Since then, it became an international day. It is not only to honor one’s father, but also the fathers of all the people.

  Father’s Day reminds people to show gratitude to their fathers, who loves you all the time and no matter what difficulty you meet, he will stand by your side. So however busy we are, we should call them now and then.


  The first father’s day was in June, 5th, 1910, United Stated. In 1909, a lady called Bruce Dodd put forward that people should establish father’s day. At that time, people only celebrated the mother’s day, but nobody celebrate father’s day yet. Lady Dodd had lost her mother when she was very young, her father raised her grew up. Lady Dodd was so thankful for what her father had done for her that she wrote a letter to the government. In the letter, she appeals to establish the father’s day. The government accepted her suggestion and decided that the third Sunday of June is the national father’s day. In 1972, the president Nixon had passed the law and agreed that the father’s day is on June the third Sunday. From this year, the world started to celebrate father’s day.

  On this special day, the children usually dedicate flowers to their fathers. The red roses to those who still alive, while the white ones to the fallings. Fathers always are considered being the central of the whole family. Without father in the family, home may feel insecure. The father always fights for the family and support the family. On this day, we can do something for our fathers. For instance, we can make a breakfast for them, or buy them a nice tie. We should spend more time with our father, show our love to them.

  The father’s day is coming, take this chance, and tell our fathers that we love him. Happy father’s day!


【 #父亲节# 导语】无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都接触过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是 无 收集整理的父亲节英语作文带翻译,欢迎 ,希望大家能够喜欢。


 The People I Respect the Most


  The people I respect the most is my father. He is a doctor. He always busy with work. Since I can remember, he never spent a whole weekend to stay with me. He goes to the hospital very early before I get up, and comes back home after I sleep. But I doesn’t matter at all, he is hero to me. He devotes almost all the time to his patients, many lives are saved. He always said, a man should have dignity, integrity, honor, and most of all, be helpful to others. This affected me deeply, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father.

  我最尊敬的人是 父亲。他是一名医生。他的工作总是很忙。从我记事起,他就从来没有陪我过过一个完整的周末。他每天在我起床前就去医院了,回来的时候我已经睡着。但是我一点也不介意,他在 眼里是个 。他几乎把所有的时间都献给了他的病人,很多人的生命因此得救。他总是说,一个男人应该有尊严、正直、荣誉,更重要的是,帮助他人。这对 影响很深,我正努力,就是为了有一天成为一个像我父亲一样的男人。


 The Winning Heart


  Recently, the live show is very popular, especially the show about the father how to get along with their children. The fathers are celebrities and they have the brilliant career. I am impressed by the fathers who are Olympic champions, their kids have the strong desire to win. When their fathers lose in the game, the kids will be very sad and can’t accept the result. No one can win all the time, we have to learn to accept the bad result. The kids think their fathers are , so they treat their fathers as the absolutely winners. Sometimes the strong desire is not good for the kids to grow up, they should have the positive attitude to the result.

  最近,真人秀很流行,特别是有关父亲如何与他们孩子相处的节目。那些父亲都是名人,他们都有着杰出的事业。对于那些身为奥运 的父亲,我留下了很深的印象,他们的孩子有着强烈的愿望要去赢。当父亲们输掉比赛时,孩子们会很伤心,无法接受结果。没 可以一直赢,我们要学会接受不好的结果。孩子认为他们的父亲是第一名,因此他们把父亲当作理所当然的赢家。有时候赢的强烈意愿并不利于孩子的成长,他们应该 观对待结果。



  Today is fathers day. I get up secretly and hide in my room to make presents for my father.

  我先在卡纸上写上“父亲节快 ”,再把它剪下来,再贴在另一张卡纸上,在卡纸的四个角落贴上四块小橡皮擦。我剪的时候,不小心把两个字剪反了。等爸爸起床了,我小心地把这个礼物送给爸爸,爸爸接过一看:“哇,好漂亮哦!“我说:“我有两个字剪反了。”爸爸说:“没关系,心意最重要!”爸爸还说:“你“父”和“节”两个字写得特别好,剪得也很好。”

  I first wrote "happy fathers Day" on the card, then cut it off, then paste it on another card, and put four all erasers on the four corners of the card. When I cut it, I accidentally cut two words back. When my father got up, I carefully gave this gift to him. He took a look at it and said, "Wow, its so beautiful!" I said, "I have two words cut back." Dad said, "it doesnt matter, the mind is the most important!" Dad also said: "your" father "and" Festival "are very well written and well cut."


  Im glad to be praised by my father today.


  Dear John, It’s Father’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it? I think we should do something to show our love for our fathers on this special day. My father and I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, he is always there, ready to help me. Today I will make a beautiful card for him, with my thanks and best wishes on it. Then I will help him wash the car this afternoon and cook his favorite food in the evening. Besides, I’ll take a walk with him after dinner and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much. I’m sure he’ll be very happy. What’s your plan for Father’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours,

  Li Hua 亲爱的约翰: 今天是父亲节。它是一个特别的 , 不是吗? 在这个特别的 我认为我们应该做一些事情来向我们的父亲表达我们的爱。 爸爸和我是 。不论我什么时候遇到困难, 他总是在那里准备帮助我。今天, 我将为他制作一张漂亮的卡片, 在上面写上 谢 最 的祝愿。然后下午我将帮助他洗汽车, 在晚上做他最喜欢吃的食物。此外, 晚饭后我将和他散步, 然后和他下象棋, 他非常喜欢下象棋。我确信他将非常高兴。你的父亲节计划是什么? 我期盼着你的来信。


  I am a girl of ten, and I live in a all mountain village far from Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.

  During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city He stayed at home for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not money, but my father. I miss him very much!

  我是一个十岁的女孩,我住在离太原很远的一个小山村。这与 生活的的人是 妈妈, 父亲离开了八年,在一个城市工作。

  春节期间, 父亲回到家里。他看起来瘦瘦的,很累。他给了我母亲二千元,并告诉她,他会更加努力工作,赚更多的钱,然后他就带我们去他在家只呆了十天的`城市。我们生活在一个贫困的生活现在。但我最需要的不是钱,而是 父亲。我很 他!



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