






BIRTHDATE : December 1, 1950

AGE : 57

GENDER : Female



OBJECTIVE: To seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional Chinese medical specialty can be utilized.

KEY COMPETENCE: Traditional Chinese and western medicine experience for over 30 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional Chinese medical science, such as Cerebrovascular diseases, Rheumatism, Gynecological diseases, Immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; Computer skill (Microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.



general practitioner

Datong ZhongYi Clinic (which is run by myself)

Shan xi province, China

June, 2006-present

To treat clinical diseases by traditional Chinese (including Chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:

l Pediatrics diseases

l Internal medicine diseases

l Cerebrovascular diseases

l Rheumatism

l Gynecological diseases

l Immune System diseases

attending doctor

Datong Seventh Municipal People’s Hospital (Public hospital by government)

Shan xi province, China

September, 1986-September, 1993

As attending doctor in:

l internal medicine department

l pediatrics department

l obstetrics and gynecology department

l emergency department.

resident doctor

Datong Seventh Municipal People’s Hospital (Public hospital by government)

Shan xi province, China

September, 1976-September, 1986

As resident doctor in:

l internal medicine department

l pediatrics department

l obstetrics and gynecology department

l emergency department

rural doctor

Dongguan Cun, Yangmingbao Xiang, Dai Xian

Shanxi Province, China

Main work is to treat common diseases for peasants.


l 3 Years clinical medicine

Graduate Year 1976

Shanxi Medical University

Key curriculums include Organic chemistry, Medical physics, Cell biology, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Medical Genetics, Diagnosis, internal medicine science, Surgery science, Obstetrics and gynecology science, Pediatrics science, Neurology and Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiation Science, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Chinese traditional medicine, and so on.


l Attending doctor for traditional Chinese medicine

l Attending doctor for Chinese-western combined medicine

l Attending doctor for pediatrics


Basic information


Gender: Female

Age: 25 Nationality: Han

Date of Birth: Height: 160

Weight: Nationality: Chinese

Exit and Entry: the current location of Shaanxi: Shaanxi

Marital status: single highest level of education: college

Graduate institutions: Yan'an University graduation date: July 2008

Major categories are: the name of clinical medicine: clinical

The second professional categories: clinical medicine name: Maternal and Child Health

The current title: Junior

ID card or other document number:

Education / training experience

From September 2005 to May 2008 Yan'an University of Medicine

From June 2006 to June 2008 the second hospital internship Weinan in Shaanxi Province

In July 2008 in Shaanxi Province has 145 hospitals Xingping (dimethylamino) obstetrics work

Talent type: general job-related work experience: 2 years

Foreign Languages: English language: good

Other foreign languages: No other foreign language proficiency: None

Putonghua: the capacity of standard computer: good

Personal details of work experience

From June 2006 to June 2008 the second hospital internship Weinan in Shaanxi Province

July 2008 Xingping Shaanxi has 145 inpatient hospitals healers

Ability and expertise

Proficiency in diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, the operation of family planning, birth attendants, in a higher level under the guidance of physicians, such as cesarean section

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: Negotiable

Job functions of candidates: candidates positions Maternal and Child Health Title: Medical Assistant, clinicians

Hope that the Working Location: Shaanxi

Other duty stations: Xinjiang, Guangdong, Fujian

Detailed personal autobiography

Because from the Northwest – I can do hard work from the tradition of hard work on the action;

Because the young – I have a versatile and great potential for dedication and perseverance;

Because of low academic qualifications – I have a positive attitude seeks to catch up with the confidence of others!

Three years of my life cultivating a high sense of responsibility and a strong concept of time, I believe "I am not one of the best, but I would like to do most of the efforts of ordinary people a."

Because efforts to do everything I can to serve as a unit services for patients, because I will constantly strive to improve themselves!

Other Requirements

"Devices will test and then know利钝, Ma will know good and then riding a dull"! Please give me a chance, a self-development space, no matter how hard the work, as long as the unit needs, and colleagues I will forge ahead and work together for a better tomorrow heart strength.

Hope that your trust, to accept! Must take concrete actions to prove "I can do it!"


Major categories are: the name of clinical medicine: clinical

The second professional categories: clinical medicine name: Maternal and Child Health

The current title: Junior

ID card or other document number:

Education / training experience

From September 2005 to May 2008 Yan'an University of Medicine

From June 2006 to June 2008 the second hospital internship Weinan in Shaanxi Province

In July 2008 in Shaanxi Province has 145 hospitals Xingping (dimethylamino) obstetrics work

Talent type: general job-related work experience: 2 years

Foreign Languages: English language: good

Other foreign languages: No other foreign language proficiency: None

Putonghua: the capacity of standard computer: good

Personal details of work experience

From June 2006 to June 2008 the second hospital internship Weinan in Shaanxi Province

July 2008 Xingping Shaanxi has 145 inpatient hospitals healers

Ability and expertise

Proficiency in diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, the operation of family planning, birth attendants, in a higher level under the guidance of physicians, such as cesarean section

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: Negotiable

Job functions of candidates: candidates positions Maternal and Child Health Title: Medical Assistant, clinicians

Hope that the Working Location: Shaanxi

Other duty stations: Xinjiang, Guangdong, Fujian

Detailed personal autobiography

Because from the Northwest – I can do hard work from the tradition of hard work on the action;

Because the young – I have a versatile and great potential for dedication and perseverance;

Because of low academic qualifications – I have a positive attitude seeks to catch up with the confidence of others!

Three years of my life cultivating a high sense of responsibility and a strong concept of time, I believe "I am not one of the best, but I would like to do most of the efforts of ordinary people a."

Because efforts to do everything I can to serve as a unit services for patients, because I will constantly strive to improve themselves!

Other Requirements

"Devices will test and then know利钝, Ma will know good and then riding a dull"! Please give me a chance, a self-development space, no matter how hard the work, as long as the unit needs, and colleagues I will forge ahead and work together for a better tomorrow heart strength.

Hope that your trust, to accept! Must take concrete actions to prove "I can do it!"



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