

Section A【重点单词】1. kiss亲吻;接吻

Mom kissed me happily.


2. greet 和……打招呼;迎接

[助记]串联记忆法:meet(见面)的时候要互相greet (打招呼)→……招呼

It's polite to greet with friends .


3. relaxed放松的;自在的

Listening to this light music, I feel very relaxed.听着这轻音乐,我感到很放松。

4. value重视;珍视;价值

I value the friendship of both of us.


5. capital首都;国都

The capital of France is Paris, while the capital of China is Beijing.法国的首都是巴黎,而中国的首都是北京。

6. noon正午;中午

[助记]拆分记忆法:no(没有) on(….上)→正午;中午

The sun is hot at noon.中午太阳很热。

7. mad很生气;疯的

My mother was mad at me because I didn't finish my homework on time.


8. passport护照

[助记]拆分记忆法:pass(通过) port(港口)→有了护照,你才能通过此港口→护照

You need a passport before you go abroad.你出国前需要有护照。

9. chalk粉笔

The teacher lowered the blackboard and wrote down some new words on it with a chalk.老师把黑板放低,用粉笔在上面写下了一些新单词。

10. blackboard黑板

The blackboard is made of wood.


[助记]拆分记忆法: black(黑色的) board(木板)→黑板


[助记]词根记忆法:north(北方) ern)- 北方的;北部的

It's very cold in the northern place in winter.北方的冬天很冷。

12. coast海岸;海滨

[助记]读音记忆法:c(k) oa(au) st(st)→海岸;海滨

Our country has a long coastline.


13. season季;季节


sea(海洋) son(儿子)→四季是海洋的四个儿子→季;季节

There are four seasons in a year.Summer is the hottest season of the year.一年有四个季节。夏天是一年中最热的季节。

14. knock敲;击;敲击声;敲击



He knocked at the door, but there was no one in it.他敲了敲门,但门里没有人。


[助记]词根记忆法:east(东方) -ern(…..的)→东方的;东部的

16. worth值得;有….价值的

The book is worth reading.


The film is worth seeing.


Novel coronavirusis worth studying.


17. manner方式;方法礼貌;礼仪(pl. )

[助记]读音记忆法:ma(mae) nner(n)- 礼貌;礼仪


1. expect→expected(过去式)

2. relax→relaxed/ relaxing( adj. )

3. Japan→>Japanese(n. /adj. )

4. north→northern( adji )

5. polite→impolite(反 义词)

6. suppose→supposed(过去式)

【重点短语】1. shake hands握手

In China, good friends shake hands when they meet.在中国,好朋友见面时握手。

2. hold out伸出

A good friend will hold out his hands to help you when you are in trouble.


3. drop by顺便访问;随便进人

I droped by my friend on the way home.我在回家的路上顺便去看看我的朋友。

4. after all毕竟;终归

Don't be angry. After all, he is still a child.别生气。毕竟,他还是个孩子。

5. get mad大动肝火;气愤6. make an efort 作出努力

You also made the best effort to learn computer.你也尽了最大的努力去学习电脑。

make progress取得进步

Mary has made great progress in this term.玛丽这学期进步很大。

no difference没有区别

What's the difference between these two pictures?这两幅画有什么不同?

There is no difference between them.它们之间没有区别。

make money赚钱

Young people in China are trying to make money to buy houses.中国的年轻人正努力挣钱买房子。

make a decision做决定

Dad made a decision to travel to Australia.爸爸决定去澳大利亚旅行。

make up组成;形成

Our room is made up of two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen.我们的房间由两间卧室、一间浴室和一间厨房组成。

7. clean..off… .把….清洗掉

Please clean the dirt off your clothes.


8. take off脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞

It's very cold outside. Don't take off your coat.外面很冷。不要脱掉你的外套。

The plane will take off soon. Let's hurry up!飞机马上就要起飞了。让我们快点!

【重点句型】1. What are people in Korea supposed to do when theymeet for the first time?在韩国,当人们第一次见面的时候 ,应该做什么?2. In the United States ,they're expected to shake hands.在美国,他们应该握手。3.I held out my hand and to my surprise ,she kissed meon both sides of my face!我伸出手来(想要握手),可令我吃惊的是,她居然亲吻了我的双颊!4. Where I'm from, we're pretty relaxed about time.在我们那个地方,我们的时间观念比较随意。5.If you tell a friend you're going to their house for din-ner,it's OK if you arrive a bit late.如果你告诉一位朋友你要 去他们家吃晚饭,晚一点到没关系。Section B【重点单词】1. empty空的;空洞的

[助记]读音记忆法:em(em) p(p) ty(ti) →空的;空洞的

Our refrigerator is empty, there is nothing in it.我们的冰箱是空的,里面什么也没有。


[助记]词根记忆法:bas(e)(基础) …..的)→基本的;基础的

To learn English, you must first learn the basics.要学英语,你必须先学基础。

3. exchange交换

[助记]词根记忆法:ex-(前任的;以前的) change(变化;改变)→交换

Can we exchange our positions?


4. granddaughter(外)孙女

[助记]拆分记忆法: grand(宏伟的) daughter(女儿)→(外)孙女

The grandmother's granddaughter was admitted to university last year.祖母的孙女去年考上了大学。

5. behave表现;举止

[助记]拆分记忆法:be(是;存在) have(有)→已经学会的行为举止→表现;举止

It's a satisfying behave.


6. except除…之外;除了;只是


7. suggestion建议[助记]词根记忆法: sugges(t)(建议) -tion(名词后缀)→建议


1. French→France(n. )法国

2. behave→behavior(n. )

3. China→Chinese(n. /adj. )

4. gradual→gradually( adv. )



6. different→difference(n.)

→differently( adv.)

【重点短语】1.go out of one's way 特地;格外努力

l will go out of my way to study hard and get good grades.我要格外努力地学习,取得好成绩。

2. make…feel at home 使(某人)感到宾至如归

The teacher was very friendly to the students, which made us feel at home.老师对学生很友好,这使我们有宾至如归的感觉。

3. get used to习惯于

I'm used to have milk and bread for breakfast.我习惯早餐喝牛奶,吃面包。

4. look forward to期盼;盼望

I'm looking forward to the new year.


【重点句型】1. In China,it's impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.在中国,用筷子敲打空碗是不礼貌的。2. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.我最大的挑战是学习餐桌礼仪。3.I have to say that I find it difficult to remember everything, but I'm gradually getting used to it.我必须说,我发现记住一切是很困难的,但我会逐渐习惯的。



